I have to drive all the way from planet sr388 to planet zebes with a regular car! Thats like 1,217 days! I got divorced, My family lives at Elysia. My last job was a technician at the bottle ship before it blew up! I have a baby Metroid as a pet. Bye!.

james @funnyhorse

Age 26, Male

Institute of zebes

Institute of Zebes

On planet sr388

Joined on 2/22/10

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the amazing world of gumball story ch-1

Posted by funnyhorse - January 4th, 2012

--- the beginning ---
gumball's point of veiw throughout all of the story.

Today had been just like any other day, the sun shining, the sky blue, and no harm in sight. Ofcourse, that was all before SHE moved into the little town of Elmore.Let me tell you how it all started... darwin, bobert, and I were playing dodge or dare inside while dad was sleeping up in his bed, wich is unusual, because he always sleeps sitting on the couch, but like I cared. Mom was doing the dishes in the kitchen, and anais was studying some sort of theroy for cross dimension or something, it seemed important, so I did'nt bother her. ''ha! you loose two turns. pick a dare!'' I said to darwin, barely going by the rules, but I did'nt reed the instructions anyway. darwin quickly said to bobert sence he was the only one who read the instruction booklet. ''is he supposed to do that, or do I go over him?'' darwin said that for the 4th time, but it did'nt suprise me because (and no effence to darwin) but fishes were only as smart as there fishbowl was dry. but darwin was just a bit smarter, since he spent all the time on land and knew better, but still, he was pretty nieve. As soon as bobert was going to say something, the three of us had seen a moving truck park not too far from us. Me and darwin went out to see all the comotion. We soon saw two big men lift boxes to a small house, just across the street from here. Then there the family came out of there deep blue mini van. The new neighbors were cats just like me and mom. They had deep black fur with a little white on there necks to there waists. There were two sisters and one brother. One sister lookes to be the same age as anais, and the other sister looked to be 12 or just maby 13 years old. The brother seemed no older as me. The mom was not colored like them at all, she had all white fur and hazel eyes while the rest seemed to have a sort of greenish eye color. Their dad was the same color as the children, but he had a whip of hair on the top of hos head that was the purest white I had ever seen. All in all theyseemed like a good family. Mom went out too to see what was going on, and she was surprized to see new neighbors in Elmore. It was because all she lived in Elmore no one had moved here. the house had white wals and red stripes on them, and the -for sale- sign was still up. ''OOOHH! I just looove new neighbors!'' although she had never seen a new neighbor in Elmore, she was exited just the same. While bobert was leaving, mom sais to darwin and I- '' you boys go clean up and I'm gonna make some cookies and we can all greet them!'' I was with mom all the way, because it was the first new neighbors for me too... After we all straightened up and mom made her awesome chocolate chip cookies, we all, even dad and anais, gone over across from our hose to theirs and eang the door bell. It was one of those classical doorbells that rich people have. A tall black cat with a scruff of pure white fur on his head answered the door, I had reconized him from this morning. mom politley said- ''hello, were the Wattersons from across the street, welcome to our town of Elmore. you'll like it here!'' And then he answered with a calm voice- ''thanks for comin over. And im glad to see such a good family.'' I was suprised by his voice. His body was burly and strong, but his voice of his was so calm and soft. It did'nt mind me though. when we walked in, mom put the cookies to the nearest table and he leaded us through his house to the living foom, wich was not far. His house seemed as big as ours but all the furniture moved as with the rooms. There was the 12 year old girl playing a videogame, in the living room, her father quietly told her to shut it off for the moment, and she did so. I gotra admit, the girl was pretty, but penny's more my type. The boy cat slowly walked in, and got suprised a bit, but not too much. He really seemed like me, but he did'nt say anything yet. The father introduced his family one by one. - ''here's my wife Alice kelly, and I, David kelly. Here's my little 12 year old girl andrea, and my other little baby girl scarlet. And then here's my little 12 year old athletic champ, Jake.'' Now that I see him face to face, he was pretty built, but not too much. I looked at the large t.v screen and Andrea was apparently playing one of my favorite games- WARRIORS OF TIME 2- then I glanced at her and she blushed a little. I noticed a scar on her left eye and another that spiraled all the way down her arm. I just thought she was in an accident because those scars did'nt look natural at all. I just let is slide for now. The Kelky's treated us to a good dinner and then had mom's cookies for dessert. I overhered mom talking to David about a little playdate with us kids, David said it would be a great idea. Then we got home. we must've spent hours in there because when we left it was already almost pitch black darkness in the sky. Thank goodness it was friday.

end of chapter 1!!!!!!


